Mix use building for
your creative expressions in Kyoto.

「kojin kyoto」

千年の都、京都。今なお古都の面影が残る町に、新たな場を作りました。鴨川のほとり、東に北に山の稜線を望む風光明媚な地で、クリエイターたちが多様に自らの創作を表現できる空間。そう、ここは次世代の文化を創造するために生まれた場所。イベントスペース「kojin kyoto」は、好奇心旺盛な人々のボーダレスな交流と躍動を応援します。

kojin kyoto, a place where new cultures are born
A view of the world from the foot of the Kojin Bridge in Kyoto
Kyoto, the capital of a thousand years. We have created a new space in the town where traces of the ancient capital still remain. This is a space for creators to express their creativity in a variety of ways in a scenic location on the banks of the Kamo River, with a view of the mountain ridges to the east and north. kojin kyoto offers a space to create the next generation of culture. The event venue kojin kyoto promotes borderless exchange and dynamism among people with inquisitive minds.


〒602-0855 京都府京都市上京区上生洲町248-6

248-6,Kamiikesu cho, Kamigyo Ku, Kyoto Shi ,Kyoto Fu, 602-0855, Japan
(Kojinbashi Nishizume)

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